
About the company

Capital Law Firm has been operating in the legal services market since 2000. Our success is a result of many-year experience, trusted partners and our Clients’ interests.
We provide legal support to legal entities of any form of property and legal status, as well as provide legal services to individuals by combining the knowledge and experience of legal practitioners


Managing partner, attorney


Managing partner, attorney


Partner, attorney


We provide legal support to legal entities of any form of property and legal status, as well as provide legal services to individuals by combining the knowledge and experience of legal practitioners

Our benefits

Capital’s main advantage is our lawyers’ high qualification and large number of successes in the various fields of law
years of successful practice
mln of recovered and protected assets
hours of defence in criminal proceedings

We are
media experts

Our lawyers act as experts, comment on social events, and are regular guests of TV studios

Our customers

In the process of cooperation, our clients have become our loyal partners, whose trust is the most important assessment of our work

Transparent. Clear. Professional.

“CAPITAL” Law Firm
Participation in rule-making to implement fair business rules.

Successful top cases in the field of intellectual property