

The full range of legal services for physical,
legal entities, their companies and projects
01. Antitrust and Competition Law
  • economic competition defence;
  • antitrust investigation defence, concentration, coordinated actions;
  • legal audit of agreements and contracts compliance with antitrust and competition law;
  • public procurement and tender
02. Bankruptcy and Debt Restructuring
  • legal support of reestablishing debtor solvency;
  • bad debt restructuring;
  • distressed assets management.
03. Electoral Law
  • legal support of a candidate (political party) campaign during election;
  • election advocacy before election commissions;
  • appeals against electoral subject’ decisions, actions and inactions.
04. Intellectual Property
  • registration and protection of trademark rights, copyrights and related rights, preparation of patent documentation;
  • support for intellectual property items sale and purchase contracting, license agreements;
  • legal consulting services for advertising and information campaigns;
  • pre-trial settlement of disputes in the field of intellectual property, mass media registration.
05. Compliance and Anti-Corruption Enforcement
  • conflict of interest, e-declaration counselling;
  • legal assistance in corruption-related administrative cases.
06. Corporate Law and M&A
  • business acquisition and alienation;
  • business structuring;
  • corporative management;
  • due diligence;
  • raidership prevention and counteraction.
07. Criminal Law and Procedure
  • defence in criminal proceedings;
  • victim, witness, applicant, other parties to criminal proceedings advocacy;
  • client advocacy during search, seizure of property, other investigative and procedural actions;
  • criminal law counselling;
  • defence in unjustified criminal prosecution.
08. Real Estate and Construction
  • legal real estate audit;
  • real estate investment and commercial projects counselling;
  • legal examination and support of real estate transactions;
  • title to real estate registration support.
09. Tax and Customs Law
  • tax counselling, tax risks and errors prevention;
  • support of tax inspections, administrative and judicial appeals against decisions of regulatory authorities;
  • defence in unlawful interference by regulatory authorities;
  • legal audit of tax consequences in financial and economic transactions.
10. Family and Inheritance Law
  • marriage contracts counselling;
  • legal support of divorce;
  • separation of spouses property, alimony, determination of child custody and access;
  • adoption and deprivation of parental rights counselling;
  • support of inheritance cases, support of disputes between heirs.
11. Litigation/Settlement of Disputes
  • pre-trial settlement of disputes involving Ukrainian and foreign parties;
  • support of litigation in courts of all levels and competency;
  • preparation and support of appeals to the European Court of Human Rights;
  • advocacy in the International Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine;
  • settlements, negotiations, mediation;
  • support of execution the judicial decisions